Multnomah, Oregon Speed Traps

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US Highway 30 near Sauvie Island Bridge

Multnomah, OregonMar 15, 20080 Comments

The Multnomah County Sherrif Starts @ Sauvie Island Bridge @ Larson Rd due to Contstruction speeds going from 55 to 45 then after Construction back to 50 then 35 through Linton and in Linton they sit by the Decoy or at the turnaround past the Decoy then right before the St Johns bridge rd Hwy 30 is a trap for a great distance

Interstate 84 East near Exit Number 14

Multnomah, OregonJan 25, 20081 Comments

They park on the on-ramp of exit 14 on interstate 84 and will laser or radar the oncoming traffic heading east. I see the police all the time radar and lasering cars.

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