Port Orford, Oregon Speed Traps
State Highway 101 near all through town
Most trips through town will pass at least one patrol car, often parked inconspicuously or screened by a building. Enforcement is relentless in the school zone. Also beware of pedestrian "traps" and seat belts. The town supports itself in part by ticket revenue. Port Orford is widely known as the worst speed trap on the southern Oregon Coast.
State Highway 101 near US Highway 101
Not only has Port Orford gone fowards with multiple cars and hide and seek radar traps, but now the Chief of Police has gotten grants for crosswalk enforcement. He now has volunteers walking out in front of moving vehicles. The area today (the first day June 22 06) they had orange cones out marking the territory, but they area walking right out in front of cars and big trucks. Beware!
US Highway 101 Oregon Coast Hwy near 8th Street
North Bound on Hwy 101 into Port Orford, Oregon. Hwy 101 in Port Orford (30 mph) has a curvature around and past 8th Street with exposure to a 20 mph school zone. The signs are ~500 feet from 8th Street and you have about 10 seconds to see the signs. Hopefully your view of the signs will not be obstructed by other traffic.
highway 101 through out town
Cop parks along side roads with hand held radar and gets cars going north and south through town. No warnings. Especially the short cop with cropped hair.