Rainier, Oregon Speed Traps

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State Highway 30 near US Highway WA-433

Rainier, OregonNov 08, 20060 Comments

Heavy police presence on US-30 right in the vicinity of the Lewis and Clark bridge that crosses the Columbia River into Longview. Police get a two-fer here. They bust speeders traveling east on US-30 and comind down a very long steep hill. And they get lots of motorists traveling south on WA-433 coming over the bridge.

Highway 30 leaving town at the west end.

Rainier, OregonJul 13, 20020 Comments

As you leave Rainier headed west there is a short stretch where it looks as if you can accellerate up to 55 but you are actually still in a 35 zone. Right around the sweeping left will be a Rainier Police cruiser picking off people in a section where 55 would be totally reasonable. This is an economically depressed town. You do the math.

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