Reedsport, Oregon Speed Traps
The entire town of 4,000
In early 2010, Reedsport added a city police officer to do nothing but traffic enforcement. The new hire was quickly approved by the City Council because the Chief of Police assured them that the officer would cost the city nothing — because the entire salary and associated costs for the new officer would be paid for with traffic citations. So beware going through through this little town! There are varying speed limits that can be tricky — and costly!
US Highway 38 near Mile Marker 24 thru 1
From milepost 24 to milepost 1 is the most dangerous area of the highway. Most enforcement is done in this area as this is where the most passing lanes are located.
US Highway 101 near 18th Avenue
Reedsport PD will back up to north side of restaurant located on Scholfield Hill at 18th Avenue and US 101. Officers will sometimes park at bottom this hill near a hair salon and enforce speed laws on vehicles coming down hill. Not uncommon for vehicles going 30 mph to gain speed coming down this hill and police to conduct stops on these vehicles.
US Highway 101 near Mile Marker 214
Douglas County Sheriff’s conduct radar at the gravel pullout on Highway 101 at MP 214 at what is known as "The Cut". They are there any time of the day but are seen more in the evening/late night. Reedsport PD officers conduct radar at this site as well.
US Highway 101 near State Highway 38
Municipal police routinely conduct radar at the "A Frame" building to the left if you are driving north on U.S Highway 101. Douglas County Sheriff’s also conduct radar here but not at frequently.