Riley, Oregon Speed Traps
US Highway 20 near US Highway 395
This is on a long, long stretch of excellent wide open road, great for opening up. There are very few cars on this road, and conditions are excellent. The police don’t seem to care about the open stretches – everybody seems to go Basic Rule speed out there. However, Riley is an intersection, and there was a LEO there probably to keep speeds down around the intersection for safety. LIDAR is the last thing I was thinking about in the middle of the desert having a nice drive. I think the police in the previous town of Burns notify ahead when a hot car goes thru town, because this fellow seemed to be waiting for me. I recall two police officers taking a hard look at me as I left Burns heading west. In Riley, they can see you coming a mile away – perfect LIDAR country. From talking to a local racer, the kids like to see how fast they can get from Burns to Bend – Riley is right in the middle.