Turner, Oregon Speed Traps

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7th Avenue near Delaney Road

Turner, OregonAug 01, 20070 Comments

Police car sits on 7th St. at the stop sign. Points radar outside of window towards Delaney. Where they sit they are hidden by large bushes, by the time you see them it is usually too late. They do this all year long.

3rd Street near Kuebler Road

Turner, OregonJan 10, 20051 Comments

Turner is a very small town. Third Street is the main road through town. The police will stop you for any violation they can make up. My husband and I have both been stopped (me for speeding) and we know of several others who have as well. My husband was stopped on New Year’s Eve for going the speed limit. The officer said, "I was suspicious because I thought you were driving a little bit slow". My husband had not been drinking at all that evening. The officer was just looking to write a DUII ticket to bring in the revenue.

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