Abington, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
On Rte 611 (York Rd) between Old Welsh Rd and Edge Hill Rd
speed moitoring devices at or around Hamilton Ave. as early as 5:00am and as late as 5:00pm, both sides. people north bound are pulled into the Steak and Hoagie factory, chase vehicle South bound. Will not hesitate to stop trucks and do a safety inspection at the York Rd Shopping Center (Target).
Meadowbrook Road between Hampton Road and Washington Lane
Cop sits on side street to catch cars goin east on Meadowbrook Road. Since this is a long downhill, it is difficult to stay under the 40 mph speed limit withput constant hitting your brakes. I have seen this trap at numerous times of the day and evening.
Huntington Pike near Rydal Elementary
They sit near the school and as the speed limit goes from 40mph to 15mph with no real apparent warning except flashing yellow light right before the school. If you are not from around there you won’t know what is going on until after the jerk gives you a ticket for $155 and says you are lucky because it could of been $500 with automatic suspension even for first time; even though you never seen the change in speed limits.
Huntingdon Road near Baptist Church
A cop will sit in the Baptist Church lot up on Huntingdon past the Woodland Rd. intersection. Better watch out on this road because it is easy to speed due to and long, straight drive and easily missed signs. Stay at 30mph to be safe.
Reservoir Avenue near Patane Avenue
Two lines across the road, about 150′ apart. Officers will use a stop watch. I suggest this procedure is highly inaccurate and was banned in Germany 30 years ago. With such short distance you need a better equipment than a stop watch and the officers reaction capabilty. I’m not against speed traps, but it should be done right that it is nondisputable.