Allentown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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1400 Block of South Jefferson St.

Allentown, PennsylvaniaJul 13, 20020 Comments

Right in front of entrance to Lehigh Parkway, lines across road. 1 officer monitors speed, another officer gives chase & issues citation. ESP used for speed verification

Route 309/I78 westbound Cedar Crest Exit

Allentown, PennsylvaniaJun 26, 20020 Comments

Cop sits in paved patch next to highway right after exit ramp for Cedar Crest exit (near mile 55). This is at the crest of a hill.

Route 22 west bound.- between airport rd. and fullerton ave.

Allentown, PennsylvaniaOct 01, 20000 Comments

they time you using the lines across the road, so radar detectors don’t always work. upon finishing all the new construction the cops hide behind the end of the guardrail just prior to going over the lehigh river bridge

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