Barkeyville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
State Route 8 near Interstate 80
This is just a follow-up on this speed trap (if you’re unfortunate to get caught). If you fall victim to this speed trap, be prepared to be treated like you’re in the deep south.
Law enforcement are the typical Barney Fife’s, but they have that “you’re in deep trouble now” attitude, and are really on a power trip. They have a penchant for tagging college students as State Route 8 in this area is a major route for a state university that is nearby.
They also have a penchant for tagging young ladies. Beware!
On the west side of Rte. 8 on Pine Street.
Patrol car will back onto narrow right-of-way and wait until a high-speed chase can be created with southbound Rte. 8 traffic.
State Route 8 near State Route 208
The boro poliece will set next to the township building there is a alley by the cemetary they back into and there is a alley next to the the Church by the house where they sit .The boro gets a percentage of the tickets so watch out.
State Route 8 near Interstate 80
1/4 from Interstate 80 interchange. Officer hides in what looks like an alley (Maple Street). Trap set at the top of a small knoll in the road.