Bethlehem, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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378 North/South

Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaApr 19, 20130 Comments

Yellow county pickup truck with camera in the bed.
Vehicle is on southbound side with the camera pointed across the median to the northbound side.
Either a speed trap, or a camera for surveying. Not 100% sure.

Freemansburg Ave., between Rt. 33 and Wagner Farms

Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaNov 28, 20100 Comments

The speed limit on Freemansburg is 45 mph, but they’ve designated the stretch near the new hospital as a 35 mph road-work zone. There’s no work on the road itself, they’ve just set-up some cones, but that doesn’t prevent them from pulling people over all day long for driving 45 in an area that’s 100% safe and normal to travel at that speed – legally-sanctioned parasitism.

512 north 1/2 block before Broadhead rd.

Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaSep 19, 20100 Comments

Regional police sit in the drive way of the Quaker church which is lined with nearby trees making it impossible to see them until you pass. Also they have a unmarked black SUV, they recently had a car pulled over 512 northbound just before Turkey Hill.

378 south/north

Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaSep 19, 20100 Comments

Catasauqua Rd. enterance ramp, behind a line of tree, state/local police I have seen them with three separate vehicals pulled over at one time. I have also seen the state police sitting on the over pass (378 to 22) pointing radar gun at cars going west bound on 22, sneaky

Farmersville Road at Bethlehem Twp Municipal Park

Bethlehem, PennsylvaniaSep 10, 20100 Comments

Speed limit is 35 on Farmersville Road, maybe lower by the Park. You can get away with 40, but over that look out! Cops sit in driveway near Park. PedXing at Park requires you to stop if someone’s waiting to cross — couple of rear-enders near Park because of speeding.

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