Breezewood, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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I-76 E AT Mile Marker 169.6

Breezewood, PennsylvaniaSep 01, 20000 Comments

This trap is the Eastbound counterpart to the westbound trap listed. Car(s) park blatantly on the right SHOULDER, but cannot be seen until last minute.

PA turnpike westbound right before Breezewood (162 mile)

Breezewood, PennsylvaniaMar 01, 20000 Comments

Coming down the mountain westbound before Breezewood, they sometimes use an orange turnpike truck in the center median with a cop in it. Then there are 5 or more cops around the corner waiting for you. Last weekend they ran the trap this way. However, anytime coming down either side of this mountain you are apt to run into radar.

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