Bushkill, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Miller Road and 512

Bushkill, PennsylvaniaSep 15, 20100 Comments

Coming down the small hill on 512 going North to the right is Miller Road.

Winonna Falls Road, two locations

Bushkill, PennsylvaniaSep 08, 20100 Comments

Sometimes a trooper will sit and watch people blow the three way stop sign located at the intersection of lower lakeview drive and winonna falls road. He usually parks in a private driveway on lakeview drive, but with clear visibility of the stop signs. The other location is further down the road, on occasion a tropper will be parked right across the street from the ambulance corps builing, and sometimes even in the ambulance corps building parking lot. He does this to catch speeders flying down from saw creek.

Jacobsburg Road near Rose Inn Avenue

Bushkill, PennsylvaniaSep 24, 20080 Comments

Marked unit sits on the property just below the power company’s overhead high power lines. If he’s not there, he’s in the lot of the old mini golf course/drive-in on the corner of Henry Road. If not there, he’s on the property of the Jacobsburg Ecological Education Center maintenence yard. The trick here is just do the 45mph. Most other drivers will flash oncoming drivers if the cop is present, but if it’s just you and the road, 45 really is fast enough in his area. Hang-up. Pay attention. Easy on the right pedal.

State Highway Route 33 near Exit Number Belfast

Bushkill, PennsylvaniaFeb 29, 20080 Comments

State Troopers sit in the grass median under a bridge on route 33, between the Belfast and Wind Gap exits. He’s usually fairly easy to spot during the day but if you’re not paying attention he’ll get you. I have seen them sit in the grass with no lights at all around 10PM at night also. Speed limit is 65mph so if you’re doing 80mph+ you’re in trouble.

Cherryhill Road near white barn/Cozy Barn

Bushkill, PennsylvaniaDec 14, 20050 Comments

Police sit in parking lot of the old Cozy Barn and ticket drivers all day long. It is hard to tell the police are there because they drive cars with no ligt bars — very unfair.

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