Carnegie, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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I-79 South before Carnegie Exit

Carnegie, PennsylvaniaMay 01, 20100 Comments

Unmarked dark pickup truck sits above Interstate on an overpass about 1/3 mile before Carnegie South exit , sends radar speeds to numerous officers waiting on Carnegie On Ramp to 79 south. Tickets issued between Carnegie and Heidleburg exits.

Forsythe Road near Carnegie Park

Carnegie, PennsylvaniaJun 08, 20080 Comments

Carnegie Police hide in private drive ways or side street all along this road waiting for anyone exceding 25 MPH

Campbells Run Road near Parkway West Parkway

Carnegie, PennsylvaniaJun 08, 20080 Comments

Marked Police car hides by Allegheny County public works dept. Car sits behind high fence not visible until it is too late to slow down. Posted speed limit is 25 and strictley enforced

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