Catawissa, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Main Street
Going downhill on Main St. just before you get to the bridge. They park on the right, the last car in a string of parked cars. Speed limit is 25. You get going a little faster going downhill and they are waiting. Have seen many a car pulled over in the parking lot just over the bridge.
State Highway Rte. 42 near Near Aberzinskas Tree Farm
Any where on top of the hill coming out of Catawissa
State Highway 42/487 near Tom’s Restaurant
Police like to sit in Tom’s Restaurant parking lot and hidden to traffic. Posting is 35 mph which isn’t bad during certain times. Trouble is when Knoebel’s traffic backs up on 487 here, a red light is needed. Township is probably not interested in investing in one. They make more money sitting the numerous police there to catch out-of-towners.
State Highway 487 near Bunges Meat Market
Police like to sit on either side of the road here. Heading south on 487 between Bloomsburg and Catawissa, they tend to sit on the right behind a craft store. You can’t see them until you’re on top of them. They also sometimes sit across the road in this same area in some tall pines. On that side they are protected by a residential house. If traveling South on 487 here, once you see Bunges slow to 35-40. If traveling North, once you crest the hill out of Catawissa, slow to 35-40 to be safe. The road is very straight and should be at least 45 mph. The police are there very often.