Cochranville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Rte 41 and Myers Drive (west side)
Speed limit changes from 45 MPH to 35 MPH for approx 1/2 mile before and after Rte 10 traffic light. Patrolman uses timer based on lines painted on roadway
U.S. Hwy. 1
Cops will sit at overpass or far up entry ramp onto U.S. Hwy. 1.
Route 10 @ Highview Drive
It’s a 35 mph zone. A lot of people do 55+ Vascar lines present. There is an additional set of vascar lines about another 500 ft. passed the 1st set.
Cochran St & Limestone Rd
local or state police using radar or vascar @ Rt41 and Rt10 area—also, never run the red light there
State Route 41 near State Route 10
The cops usually sit on RT#41 just south of RT# 10 about 1/4 mile on the right. Look for two white lines painted on the road. They also sit at the intersection of 41/10 waiting for you to run a red light.