Conshohocken, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Colwell Road, entire stretch between 5th Avenue and Elm St

Conshohocken, PennsylvaniaMay 20, 20160 Comments

The entire stretch has vascar lines just about everywhere making it so that cops can wait anywhere they want along the road. The first line I saw, I slowed to the unreasonable speed limit of 25, and sure enough a crown vic was waiting right there. I’m just really glad I know how to spot one because if I didn’t know what that was I totally would have gotten cited for 40 in a 25 lol

Rt 476 (Blue Rt) emergency vehicle bay between north and sou

Conshohocken, PennsylvaniaMar 10, 20110 Comments

State Police sit at the emergency vehicle bay between north and southbound lanes 1/2 mile south of the Schuykill Expressway interchange

Elm Street – between Colwell and the 476 overpass

Conshohocken, PennsylvaniaSep 11, 20100 Comments

The speed limit is 25. This is a residential area and the Conshohocken Police routinely sit in the gas station on the west side of the street. It is very easy to unintentionaly increase your speed, but be careful they will ticket you.

Emergency Cross Over & I- 476

Conshohocken, PennsylvaniaJul 10, 20090 Comments

Police routinely wait on the left in a gap on I476 northbound after the overpass for County Line Rd just inside Lower Merion Township. The road starts to slope down, before I76. The locals know about it but they catch primarily out-of-towners I guess.

I-76 & I-476

Conshohocken, PennsylvaniaJan 11, 20090 Comments

State police will sit in the turnarounds where the median widens for the I-476 interchange. They usually sit in the turnaround east of the interchange but occasionally sit in the turnaround west of the interchange. They usually target eastbound traffic.

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