Dauphin, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
22/322 Linglestown rd. exit
several times a week there is a speed trap on both sides of the bridge and/or right after the bend heading towards 81.
22/322 Fishing creek and Dauphin/ Halifax exits.
cops often sit on the on ramp or ontop the bridge with radar. (usually mid day) most of the time its in the westbound lane off the fishing creek exit headed towards Dauphin. In the eastbound lane there is no exit just an on-ramp where they sit behind the wall in the grass. Both places its too late to see them unitl you have passed.
In Dauphin they sit off the Dauphin/halifax exits and the Moutain road exit. They have been known to sit on the shoulder about mid way in between these exits in the westbound lane. Its not as often but keep your eyes out at night… There are concrete walls on both sides of the highway and people dont expect them to sit here.