Delmont, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Rt 22 West by Gene and Boots Candy store,
They sit next to the edge of parking lot looking East hidden from view, speed limit is 45 mph. Very hard to stay at that speed coming across Rt 66 overpass, speed limit increases to 55 mph a short distance down the road.
Old RT. 22 Between Delmont And Export
Going East speed changes from 35 to 25 mph at a sharp curve where there is a school bus stop – also a monitored stop sign slightly west.
Rt 22 East in Cornerstone Church driveway, 50 yards back.
This is my route home from work and I frequently see a pale baby blue unmarked car sitting in the driveway of Cornerstone Church driveway, sitting back behind the little trees about 50 yards. You can see him if you are "looking", but if you are not paying attention, he’ll get ya!
Rt. 22 West, just accross from Cornerstone Church.
Heading Rt. 22 West, just as you are passing the Cornerstone Church, there is a little "hill" of dirt where you can’t see past it, and a car is usually sitting there. You can not see the car as it is very well hidden. I have noticed this trap in the mornings around 8:30 going into town for work.
Sheridan Rd & Jones St
Local police force will sit at delmont auto sales hiding in between used cars on the lot and watch ENRADD monitor while chase vehicles are located 1/2 mile North of the auto sales or 1/2 mile south at Carneys Bar. Keep it at 40!