Dillsburg, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Rt 15 northbound by Ford dealership
Large speedtrap hiding behind the western wear shop next to Bob Ruth Ford car dealership
US Route 15 North and South between PA Rt 94 and PA Turnpike
Beware of the region just North of Rt 94 where the speed limit drops from 65 to 55. Local Regional Police Forces have multiple areas set up — Especially in the vicinity of Dillsburg where Speed Limits drop to 55, and then down to 50. Northern York Regional ( between County Line Rd and Dillsburg Proper ) are especially heinous Abusers of this speed trap, and they are not willing to drop the speeding charge to a lesser fine even at pre-hearing or during the hearing.
Spring Lane Road near Brusters Ice Cream
Spring Lane runs from Brusters to Rt 74. The speed limit is 25 mph and most people are doing 50 or more. The police are hitting the area very hard due to complaints from residences complaining about high and unsafe speeds. The police usually sit in the woods or at the barn. I have known many people getting caught in this area and the road is only about 1 1/2 miles long.
State Route Rt. 15 near Chevy and or ford dealer
The police will set up there trap in either the chevy or the ford dealerships and sit mixed in with the cars for sale as not to be seen
York Road near Maory Road
New white lines were recently (late June) painted on many roads patrolled by the Carroll Township Police, including siddonsburg road and york road. Possibly the wost trap is going down the very long steep hill next to Maory road (speed limit 45, going toards Mechanicsburg / Upper Allen Township). Today (8.27.07) is the first time I saw Carroll Township Police enforcing this trap. An officer sat at the bottom of the hill right after the intersection on the right side of the road. Because the white lines are so big (about a foot or two thick), he could see them from all the way down there. He was really hard to see until you got close and it is too late. I saw him drinking a cup of coffee and then pull over a car a little later. If you look for cars at the bottom of the hill when you are going down, you can see him in time to break. Be careful on this hill and in general between white lines in areas patrolled by Carroll Township police. They generally paint the lines on steep hills to exploit drivers who don’t ride their brakes. And most people go about 10 or 15 over where most of their white lines are painted.