East Whiteland, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Sproul Road near King Road
Third known speed trap conducted in the township on any given day all day.
Swedesford Road near Route 202 Overpass
Two of three known speed traps conducted in the township on any given day all day.
Toms Circle near King Road
One of three known speed traps in the township. Unmarked light blue vehicle sits on toms circle and times you as you travel east on King Rd. Officer farther down the road in maintenance garage parking lot on the right across from Immaculata University waves anyone in traveling 51 m.p.h. and above.
Sproul Road near Frazer Road
Second known speed trap in the township. Police officer sits in driveway of resident #124 and times vehicles traveling south on Sproul Rd. (also known as route 352). Officer over the next hill waves anyone over traveling 51 m.p.h. and above.
Sproul Road near Frazer Road
Second known speed trap conducted at this location on any particular day all day. Dark unmarked vehicle sits on Sproul Rd.(also known as route #352) in driveway of resident #124 and only times vehicles traveling north on Sproul Rd. An officer stands in the middle of the roadway waving in speeding vehicles over the next hill into the inlet on the side of the road at Judith Lynn Way.