Exeter, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
422 EAST Residential area after SHEETZ station
VERY POPULAR the last 2 years now. A State cop will assist Exeter. The State officer will hide in a residents driveway or side street and catch you on RADAR. They will call ahead to have Exeter cops pull you over. The speed limit is 45 and on nice days, they are out in that 1 mile stretch right before entering Amity Township. This is also a HOT SPOT for DRUNK DRIVING STOPS. They will post construction signs near SHEETZ (EAST BOUND) to get into one lane. They do the stop in EAST & WEST bound lanes as 422 lanes separate.
Wyoming Ave. Avenue near Grant Street
There is a speed trap where the speed limit goes from 35mph to 25mph. The officer sits in a parking lot on the corner of Grant St. and Wyoming Avenue, which is the same side of the avenue as Wachovia Bank.
US Highway 422 near Exit Number Mt. Penn Exit
Accutrack right after Mt. Penn ramp. One cop to the right when headed east and then they keep a couple cars at the end of the road to catch you. My first ticket was here, most memorable.
RT 422 Eastbound
As you head east on the 422 bypass approaching the Mt. Penn exit,there is an officer either in a car or with handheld radar hidden off of the Mt.Penn exit. About 300 yards up ahead as the road merges with 422E business, you will see a parked officer on the shoulder who is waiting to hand signal you over as the tandom policman communicate via radio the speeding cars. You need to look ahead to see if that car is there well before you hit the Mt. Penn exit in order to be prepared to slow down.