Feasterville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Bustleton Pike 532 Road near Brdgetown Pike

Feasterville, PennsylvaniaAug 14, 20040 Comments

On Bustleton Pike (RT 532) where it splits off to the left from Bridgetown Pike (RT 213), about a half a mile to a mile down on your left hand site there is a small street and the cop car sits approx 20 feet from the intersection. You can see the white lines on the road, the speed limit is 25 mph but anyone who drives that road knows its impossible to keep up that speed limit.

County Line Road near State Highway 252

Feasterville, PennsylvaniaApr 16, 20040 Comments

Just west of Bustleton Pike on County Line Road. There are about 3 blocks where the speed limit is 35. then changes to 40 & 45. They lay in wait with the gun and then after you drive a little bit two cops wave you over on foot. There are usually many cars being written up. When you go to court they offer you a deal in the lobby to lower the fine to less than 5 MPH for 1st offenders, no points, if you plead guilty & pay.

County Line Rd just north of Bustleton ave.

Feasterville, PennsylvaniaJul 31, 20020 Comments

Travelling North on County line rd (away from Philadelphia) just off of Bustleton. One officer will sit either on one of the very small side roads or on someone’s lawn in or out of an unmarked car and clock someone. He is just after the crest of the very first hill that you climb off of Bustleton. Officers will flag people into a development ahead. I’ve been hit with it once, and seen it many times. Usually mid-day and evening traffic. The speed limit is 30 MPH, and very hard to maintain on the wide road and steep hills.

Bethlehem Pike, South of Street Rd.

Feasterville, PennsylvaniaJun 24, 20020 Comments

At 10:30 PM, traveling south on Bethlehem Pike, just past Street Rd. One officer was just past the Ford dealership and the second officer nabbed me a few blocks down on Bethlehem Pike. An obvious speed trap. They’re set-up all the time at night.

Bethlehem Pike, South of Street Rd.

Feasterville, PennsylvaniaJun 24, 20020 Comments

Driving south on Bethlehem Pike, just past Street Rd., one guy who clocked me was just past the Ford dealership and the other guy was standing at the gas station. There are 2 cars waiting to nail drivers (going down hill). An obvious speed trap.

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