Gettysburg, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Route 134-aprox. 4 mi. south of Gettysburg,Pa.[Taneytown Rd.
County police are backed in beside Barlow Fire Hall to be obscured. When you pass it is too late. Locals kind of know. Lots of Maryland and tourist traffic, beware. [route 134, called Taneytown Rd.]
Routes 15 and 134 at Taneytown Road, Gettysburg PA
At the top of the on ramp of northbound Route 15 at Route 134 Taneytown Road in Gettysburg PA, the police often sit on the grassy area on the north side of the overpass bridge. Drivers cannot see it until it is too late.
US Highway Route 30 Lincoln Highway near General Reynolds Statue
On Route 30 , just west of Gettysburg, traveling through the battlefield, for approx 1/2 mile the posted speed is 25 mph (same as city speed limit). It used to be 35 mph. Police in marked and unmarked vehicles now issue citations for 36 mph.
US 15 north and south from PA234 to the MD line and MD line to Rt 234 going north.
Route 15 has a grassy median with many secluded spots for the PA state police to hide. They usually use instant on radar or aircraFort Another favorite spot on the same route is at the top opf the ‘on ramp’ which can not be seen from the road.