Hartleton, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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State Highway 45 near Anywhere in the Borough limits

Hartleton, PennsylvaniaJun 29, 20060 Comments

Hartleton is West of Mifflinburg on 45 between 104 and 235. It is encountered when travelling from Lewisburg to State College just past Harvey’s convenience store. Going East, it is a few miles past the old Laurelton mental health facility.

Officer sets up timing strips on the road — usually as you are coming into town, less commonly as you are leaving. As town is in a dip, you are coming into town downhill from either direction and you need to apply brake to get down from 55 to 35 — just letting up on the gas probably won’t slow you enough.

State Route 45 near begining & outside town

Hartleton, PennsylvaniaJun 23, 20040 Comments

cops sit just inside town hidden between whatever they can, buildings, or other cars.

State Rt. 45 as you leave town traveling west.

Hartleton, PennsylvaniaJan 01, 20020 Comments

This guy is good. Bam! You’re being timed be AccruTRAK. He waits untilo almost dark to pounce.

Rte 45 E. & W. in town

Hartleton, PennsylvaniaJul 01, 20010 Comments

Speed on this highway drops from 55 to 35 for a distance of no more than 3/4 mile. Locals also use the strip. Road is heavily traveled in summer by people using cabins in mountains which surround the area. In fall road is heavily traveled by Penn State University fans (favorite for DUI after tailgate parties at game)

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