Havertown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Glendale Rd. between Oakway and Genthert Field
Havertown police park on side streets between West Chester Pike and Genthert Field. The speed limit is 25, but traffic usually moves around 40 mph. Day and night, this is a favorite, especially at the end of the month when they need to make quiotas. A favorite trick is to post an electronic speed limit sign and radar. Then they pull you over for disobeying posted sign and not a limit. This way they get the money and you avoid points. Interesting!
Throughout the township, especially on West Chester Pike.
Beware of the unmarked grey Dodge Charger.
Route 3 ( West Chester Pk. ) and Darby Rd.
Police sit in median across from Llanech Fire Co. They catch speeeders, vehicles going through red lights, and run liscence plates waiting at traffic light for prior violations.
Earlington Road near Devon Road
Police sit hiding on side street (Devon or similar). Speed Limit is 25 and traffic flows about 40 mph. Heavy presence during evening rush hour.
City Line Avenue near Lynne Boulevard
The Havertown police park in the Dentist office lot in City Line Ave and wait for speeders. They have used this spot for years to stop speeders and fill their quotas. Make sure that you keep to the speed limit when passing this area.