Havertown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Steel Road near Steel Field Parking Lot
Police usually hide out in the parking lot at Steel Field. Sometimes they are also in the Ebenezer Church parking lot that is down Steel Field, and I think they are trying to catch people who run red lights. Either way, Cops typically patrol from Ebenezer Church to Burmont Road on Steel Road.
Glendale Road near Anthony Avenue
2 timing lines at Anthony Ave. Cops sit on Anthony or the Apartment complex hill, and radio to others down the street to pull you over. At times, they’ll have 3 cars lying in wait.
State Route 30 near Malin Road
Near the Dunkin Donuts on West Chester Pike, in Havertown,
Route 30, always traps set up in that area, more on the West bound Side, but West Chester Pike is tought From Havertown through Newtown Square, and then again up in West Chester. Keeping the bad element from Philly under control! Ha!
Darby Road
Havertown Police sit in the Driveway next to the west end of the HMS. I have never seen a car pulled over but I always slow to the speed limit or less. They seem to do it every night anytime after sunset.
City Line Avenenue-Dentist’s office across from the batting cages and driving range
Havertown cop sits in the dentist office parking lot sometimes behind the sign with the tooth on it. Usually you can see the car from 200 or so feet away but if the cop is on a motorcycle, he can completely dissapear behind the ‘tooth’ sign.