Hempfield, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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US Highway US Route 30 near Adamsburg On Ramp Loop

Hempfield, PennsylvaniaOct 03, 20070 Comments

Pennsylvania State Police hide in an abandoned car lot above US Auto Mart and clock westbound traffic coming down a steep grade. The posted speed limit is 45, but most drivers travel about 55 down the grade.

Route 136 Below Hempfield High School

Hempfield, PennsylvaniaNov 25, 20020 Comments

After passing Hempfield high school, 136 splits into 4 lanes near Toll Road 66 (Amos K Bypass). Cops will act as road crew working on bridge above 136. Then they radio to unmarked cop waiting below after you have passed the bridge. Unmarked cop gives you ticket and says "Have a nice day."

rte. 66 south of tollbooths

Hempfield, PennsylvaniaMay 01, 20010 Comments

at the top of the hill south of the tollbooths is an overpass. Just past the overpass is a big mound of dirt the state trooper sits behind here in an unmarked cruiser he can either be pointed N or S

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