Huntingdon, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Fairgrounds Road
The posted speed limit is 45 mph, but it is a very straight and smooth road and it is very easy to go 55-65 mph. It is located very close to the Pennsylvania State Police Station, so the cops like to sit everywhere along this road. Make sure you stay at 50 or below.
Pennsylvania Ave between red light and 4th St
The posted speed limit in this area is 25, but it is very easy to go 40-45 and not even know it. It is a wide two-lane road, and the state cops like to sit at Riverside Park, at a pull-off on the top of the hill, and at Community State Bank parking lot. When you are going towards 4th St., it is very easy to gain speed going down the hill. Watch out! They will usually give you a 10 mph cushion.
U.S. Route 22 from Walmart to bridge over Fairgrounds Road
The posted speed limit in this area is 45 mph, but without red lights, it seems the speed limit should be 55 mph. There is a former car dealership beside Subway where cops always like to sit, especially at night. You will be stopped if you are doing 51. If you are traveling westbound on Route 22 do not speed up to 55 until you see the "Speed Limit 55" sign just past Walmart and the Pennsylvania Game Commission Office.