Kutztown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
222 Bypass
Usually during morning and evening rush hours fairly common…
Unmarked car has a tripod laser placed in front and then chaser car (police) usually about an 1/8 mile down the road. Patrolled both North and Southbound lanes.
Noticed in recent days a number(3-5) of chaser cars picking up motorists in large numbers (2-6) at a time.
US Route 222
Local police (Berks-Lehigh Regional PD) use VASCAR and Infrared ESP on US 222 in both Berks and Lehigh counties,this includes the 35 MPH Zone through the small village of Maxatawny and on the 55 MPH 4-lane divided highway a few miles west of there (Kutztown By-Pass). They do quite well during rush hour, its not uncommon to see a half dozen cars pulled over at the same time during peak enforcement periods. Police are pretty creative, the "disabled" car ahead of you may have the clocking officer inside, and they employ a variety of vehicles including some mid-90’s Ford Mustangs that are unmarked. The officers are friendly and professional but don’t care much for warnings, if stopped you are probably gonna get a ticket…….the price is extremly high in Penna.