Lower Merion, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Presidential Boulevard near City Avenue
Cops set up where Presidential Blvd. curves in front of the new Corinthian Apts. Coming north off of City Avenue you can’t see the police till you are on the curve and it’s too late. Look for monitoring bars before the curve. 25 mh speed limit is strictly enforced. They cut you no slack.
Montgomery Avenue near Rosemont College
Usually we just see a cop sitting at the corner of Airdale and Montgomery. Be especially wary if you do not see them. Sometimes they use ESP (Two rubber hoses are used to determine the speed of the vechicle, and the information is routed to a computer) and park at Wendover. There could be one cop standing in the street directing certain cars onto Wendover where one of many waiting cops will give you a ticket.
Lancaster Avenue near Bryn Mwar Fire Company
There almost always seems to be a manned, marked car next to the bryn mwar fire department, at the intersection of lancaster (US 30) and merion avenues. Not sure if hes there for red-light runners or speeders, but I think someones there more often than not.
Montgomery Avenue near Wendover Road
Unmarked vehicle used, trap is undetectable with radar detectors
Rotates among approximately 12 locations within the Township
Three to five officers used for speed team enforcement location. Use updated version of ESP double beam infrared timing system. Seem to favor setting up in 25 or 30 mph zones lately to maximize fines. Look for timing equipment on the curb and an unmarked car parked perpendicular. Latest location spotted was Westbound Lancaster Avenue(State road #30) in haverford at the cross street of Buck North Buck Lane. Local Judge considers speed team and equipment without flaw and she will convict anyone who appeals.