McCandless, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Rt. 19 corridor
Cops are starting to use ENRADD without proper trainig.
North Park
Anywhere in the park, but especially in the 15 MPH zone adjacent to the north end of the park, also near the boathouse.
US Highway 19 near State Route 910
Cops sit on a side street off of US HWY 19 right before the split to go to either US Truck Rt 19 known as Mcknight Road or the Perry Hwy.
Cumberland Road
Between McKnight Road and U.S. Route 19 (Perry Highway) Police sit in parking lot of Camelot Apartments and wait for drivers to come down hill from McKnight, going westbound. Posted speed limit is 35mph, but its easy to exceed while going down the hill.
State Route 19 near McKnight Road
Cars exit from McKnight road, posted 55 M.P.H. onto a one mile hill posted 40 M.P.H. At the top of the hill is a flat, conjested area known as the Wexorod Flats where the posted speed limit is 35 M.P.H.