Mckeesport, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Long Run Rd & Old Long Run Rd

Mckeesport, PennsylvaniaFeb 13, 20090 Comments

White Oak Police are using ENRADD. This can be placed anywhere and not between white lines like the old system. They like to place it at Tom Clark Chevrolet and sit in the Towing company across the street. They move it up and down Route 48. They ticket anything that is 5 miles over the speed limit.

Eden Park Boulevard near King Street

Mckeesport, PennsylvaniaJun 11, 20070 Comments

Police officer is parked on King St just about 1000 yards from entrance/exit of Renzie Park (depending which way you are travelling) It is very hard to notice them since they are parked half way up. The speed limit is 30mph which is fine travelling through the park area, but after that nearly impossible without riding your brakes the entire way to the red light.

State Route 48 near Old Long Run Road

Mckeesport, PennsylvaniaJul 28, 20050 Comments

One spotter car sits in the Transmission Repair lot (before Tom Clark Chevrolet) with up to 5 chase cars in the right lane (in front of Tom Clark Chevrolet). Officer stands in left lane and directs which car to pull over.
Usually give a failure to obey traffic control device citation. Big money maker for the City of Mckeesport.

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