Meadville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Route 322- about 1 mile east of Cement Factory

Meadville, PennsylvaniaMar 06, 20101 Comments

There is a road (not sure of the name of it) that is about 1 mile east of the cement factory (Redi- Mix or Kebert of something). It cuts off to the South & cruisers will sit there. The speed limit is only 55, but people go a lot faster than that on it because it is in between farmland and is flat, straight & a smooth road. Beware.

Harmonsburgh Road

Meadville, PennsylvaniaAug 20, 20071 Comments

There Are Line’s With A Sign Telling You How Fast Your Going…You Will Get A Ticket In The Mail About 4Day’s Later.

I-79 North and South

Meadville, PennsylvaniaDec 03, 20020 Comments

On I-79 between mie markers 130 and 147 there are at least 8 speed traps. A patrol car sits in the median purposely cut to have cars hidden by the hills. Heaviest patrolling during the day between mile mark 140 and 147.

I-79 North. MM 155

Meadville, PennsylvaniaApr 18, 20020 Comments

Smokey shoots at Northbound vehicles from behind a blind hill on the grassey median at Mile Marker 155.

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