Milton, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
405 South
Robbins Marine and Boat shop in the South side of Milton as you progress down 405 South into Lewisburg. They use to there advantage the reflective stickers on the boats and blend in with them. Before you can figure out the yellow and black stickers on the side of the patrol car. It’s to late- 55 MPH
Mahoning Street West
When coming over slight hill beside a Weis Markets- You’ll notice a car wash up on the hill (across from entrance to High School) BEWARE: Sits up BESIDE the car wash- He’ll have your tagged before you get half way through. Only seen on MOST fri. and sat. nights- ABIDE 35MPH speeds!
PA Rt 405 north between 5th&7th st.
This area has high inforcement in the last two weeks.