Moore, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Smith Gap Road
In Northampton County, Moore Township, 1 mile down the mountain, from the Appalachian Trail. Police sit in a township residents driveway, near the State Game Lands parking area. The road is newly blacktopped, and posted at 35 mph.
Moore Township residents ride snowmobiles on Smith Gap Road, during every major snowfall, at speeds as high as 100 mph, no complaints then though.
Mountain View Drive near Jean Drive and Moore Twp park.
Police will have one of their officers in their personal vehicle sit at the end of Jean Drive and time your progress through the VASCAR lines. Two or three partol cars will sit just inside the park entrance behind the trees and chase/issue citations. Speed limit is 35 between the general store and Karc’s Salvage yard…respect it.
Rt. 248, west of Dannersville Rd.
Near a barn is where they sit. You never know when they’re going to be there.