Morgantown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Speed limit goes from 65 to 55, local police now have small laser device set up within the white lines, they stop you down the road. WATCH OUT FOR BOTH LOCAL AND STATE POLICE ON BRIDGES!!!!
PA Turnpike near Morgantown Crossing
When going either east or west on the Pennsylvania Turnpike within 5 miles of the Morgantown Interchange there are usually police cars in either direction. I drive it daily and usually someone is pulled over.
State Route 176 near 76 Turnpike
Exiting off the PA Turnpike at Reading/Morgantown exit, going north on Expressway 176…You leave a 65MPH turnpike and go back on to 65MPH expressway. There is a stretch of road leaving the exit ramp, which is actually connected to the expressway, that is posted 35MPH. You would never expected this especially if you are unfamiliar with it. The local township police patrol it. This is probably the single most bogus abuse of power I have ever seen. There are no houses, building, exits, roads of any sort on this stretch of expressway…just a 35MPH trap.
Twin Valey Rd. at the old Rock Church
Officer sits behind the church and checks your speed when coming down hill past school. He also sit’s at other spot’s along Twin Valley Rd.