New Wilmington, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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On South New Castle Street and Meadowbrook

New Wilmington, PennsylvaniaJun 26, 20190 Comments

Coming into New Wilmington, PA traveling North on 158, New Castle Street (at the Overlook Convalescent Home the Speed signs go from 45 mph to 35 mph in short distance. You start down the steep hill at 35 mph and you come to Meadowbrook (about 2/3 of the way down the hill) it quickl becomes 25 mph. There is often a police car parked off a side street near the bottom off either side. This can bee anytime of day, often late afternoon for workers traveling home at the end of the work day.

Bottom of Overlook Hill (Rt 158)

New Wilmington, PennsylvaniaApr 14, 20100 Comments

A policeman will sit in the parking lot by the frat house (across from the Boro park) at the bottom of Overlook Hill. They catch speeders coming down the hill too fast. Be especially careful at school start/end times.

State Route 208

New Wilmington, PennsylvaniaMay 30, 20070 Comments

Officers will sit at the entrance of town monitoring traffic. When someone is going to fast, they will also follow them to pace. Tricky part is that they drive Durango’s, making them much more difficult to spot.

State Route 208

New Wilmington, PennsylvaniaMay 23, 20040 Comments

Beware of this small college town and its overzealous police department! They have 1 cruiser and about 5 full/part time officers. Travelling through here at night is especially dangerous, as the police cruiser lurks on side streets waiting to catch drunken college kids stumbling home from parties or unsuspecting motorists passing through town. They will usually follow you until you either turn into somewhere or reach the town limits, then you’ll see their lights flashing in your rearview mirror. They will then proceed to make up some BS reason for pulling you over (i.e. accuse you of "speeding", "swerving", etc.) and look you up and down to make sure you haven’t had one ounce of alcohol.
To be fair, I will say though that they will usually let you go without a hassle if they’re convinced that you haven’t been drinking. However if they have any reason to suspect you have, you’re in for a long night.
They recently purchased a new cruiser that’s some type of a sports car (not sure what kind exactly), and has the new style nearly flat red and blue lights built into the roof. Be mindful, because this car looks just like an ordinary car at first glance…and especially at night!

208 west

New Wilmington, PennsylvaniaApr 01, 20010 Comments

the area has two grain silos and has truck which block the police from visual view plus the come out of willisons trailer sales.

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