Newville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Pennsylvania Turnpike near Mile Marker 215
State Police from Newville Barracks sit on the turnpike between mile marker 200 and 220 and nail any cars going over 74 mph. They are most often hiding between mile marker 214/215 right as you come underneath the bridges they are on the other side in the east bound direction although I have seen sitting westbound as well. They seem to be out in numbers during the 3pm-11pm shift and especially on weekends.
SR-641 in any direction, at the junction with 233
Small town with little traffic, good sidewalks little used by pedestrians. Speed limit in town is 25mph, and travelling at that speed will almost certainly result in tailgating if a car happens to be behind you. Radar has been used, but white lines color the streets just before each way out of town, and just before the speed limit increases. This includes one section which is on a decline and requires good braking to maintain 25mph. The police will use those white lines to clock cars and write tickets, particularly to out-of-state drivers.