North Fayette, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Between Oakdale & McDonald on Noblestown Road
North Fayette police are aggressively patrolling the streach of highway between Oakdale and McDonald, allowing no tolerances. Tickets have been given for going 3 miles over the posted speed.
Cliff Mine Road after Montour West Industrial Park
North Fayette police hide behind Sidekicks restuarant. This is a very windy road, then strightens out when this part of teh road comes so naturally people eccelerate on the road at this point. Most of the time they are reading something so I never get caught and i have never seen anyone pulled over on this point of the road.
Rt.60 south after the Montour Run Road Exit
On rt.60 South past the Montour Run Road Interchange. As soon as you enter NOrth FAyette Twp. at the end of the over pass there is a State Trooper trapping people that traveling South on Rt.60 approaching the Robinson Town Center/Pointe at North Fayette exit. Sometimes North Fayette Twp. Police will be there too. But mainly State police.