Pottstown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Route 422 Expressway
On Route 422, going east just before the Royersford exit. There is an overpass before you get to exit. Police are at east side of over pass abutment.
Moser Road near Centre Avenue
Police sit in self-serve car wash,sometimes actually hiding in a bay and time cars between white lines in the road. Car wash is across the street from the NAPA store. Speed limit is 25 MPH & strictly enforced to keep down the complaints of the people living on this road.
State Route 100 near State Road
Heading south on Rt 100 past State Rd and before Manatawny, just as you enter Pottstown from Upper Pottsgrove Twp. Undercover police car on shoulder, hood up and 4-way flashers on will clock you as you pass over 2 white lines on the road. As you come up to Manatawny, the helper will pull off the shoulder of the road and cite you a violation. This is a wide open, 4-lane highway with center divide and clear site… great spot to trap you over the 55mph posted limit.
Howard Avenue near HIgh Street
The speed limit is 45 but as you pass the 7 11 and head towards the Turkey Hill the speed limit sign is obscured… the officer sits on Howard Ave and waits for you to fly by.
State Route 100 South near State Route 422
Rt100 South just as you pass under RT422 cop will sit up the on ramp behind a tree. That twp. has black cars.