Ridley Park, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
The Shops at Ridley Park
In what is often refered to as "the business district" of Ridley Park, across from 7-11 a Ridley Park poliice car will often camp out. Make sure you make a compete stop at this stop sign, or be prepared to pay a $110 ticket!
State Highway SR 13 Chester Pike near Hinkson Boulevard
Speed limit drops from 40 mph to 15 mph in school zone. Police will often use unmarked vehicles
State Highway W.Sellers Ave. near State Highway Chester Pk. US 13
Enforced using an Excessive Speed Preventer (ESP).
Speed limit is 35 MPH. Alarm speed is 45 MPH.
No one is stopped who is not speeding.
State Highway 13 Chester Pike near Leedom Elementary School
A Ridley Park police car is usually in the parking lot across from the school when the 15mph signs are flashing. They are there often. I’ve seen quite a few drivers pulled over.