Shrewsbury, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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I-83 @ Pa/Md Border

Shrewsbury, PennsylvaniaDec 09, 20130 Comments

A couple hundred yards before or after the Pa/Md line (depending on whether you’re traveling north or south) there is a paved connection between the north and southbound lanes where both Pa and Md troopers sit and conduct radar investigations.

I-83 Just South of Shrewsbury @ Visitor’s Center

Shrewsbury, PennsylvaniaDec 09, 20130 Comments

Pa Troopers will fairly regularly (during non-busy times) set up shop tucked away on the on-ramp back onto I-83 N at the visitor’s center

This is an especially "productive" locale for troopers, as they are able to hit you with radar very quickly and with little to no warning. I’ve seen many folks trapped here over the years.

I-83 S Shrewsbury Entrance On-Ramp Towards Maryland

Shrewsbury, PennsylvaniaDec 09, 20130 Comments

The Shrewsbury on-ramp onto I-83 S towards Maryland is another "favorite" of local troopers as well. This on-ramp is long, sloping upward and has a large shoulder to accommodate truckers, thus this provides excellent "cover" for trapping southbound I-83 motorists as they pass south of Shrewsbury towards the MD line.


Shrewsbury, PennsylvaniaJun 01, 20010 Comments

They will sit either in the left lane facing traffic with their lights off or in gullies beside the highway.

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