Somerset, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Rt 31E

Somerset, PennsylvaniaMar 01, 20020 Comments

Marked car sits on eastbound side on a farm road in the high grass. Unable to see until within 30/40 yards. This area is a long straightaway with no posted speed heading towards Somerset.

I-76 Pa Turnpike between Sommerset Service area and I_70

Somerset, PennsylvaniaJan 01, 20020 Comments

They Hide behind overpasses, apparantly, and nail you as you pass, in heavy traffic doing a constant 66 mph in a 55 they were picking off whomever they pleased—I was written up for 76 mph when I am certain it was 65 to 68. I can’t afford to argue any more than be run over by a dense stream of semi’s and four wheelers all doing the same speed. I saw three troopers working the same strip coming down a hill. The laughable thing is that 34% of the "fine" has nothing to do with court costs or a "fine" but are assigned to things other states pay for out of tax money. I am going to avoid going through Pa any more—the roads suck and in five years they seem to maintain the construction for no other purpose than setting up speed traps—no apparant improvement in the road—which is of course a toll road. I could have bypassed Pa., gone the same distance and not been caught in their 55mph toll road. I have learned an expensive lesson. I would advise anyone who can to avoid it too.

I-76 E mile marker 110

Somerset, PennsylvaniaAug 01, 20000 Comments

Car sits on Grass between over-passes at interchange,on the Right.

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