Souderton, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Beck Rd. private driveway

Souderton, PennsylvaniaMay 05, 20100 Comments

Police car hides in private drive along Beck Rd. directly across from entrance to Banbury Crossing housing development.

Main Street near Between Hillside Ave and Chestnut St Street

Souderton, PennsylvaniaMar 24, 20081 Comments

Police sit at bottom of hill in borough, between bldgs.

State Highway Route 309 near State Route 113

Souderton, PennsylvaniaDec 29, 20070 Comments

Local Officer sits on the 309 North on ramp at souderton.

Cherry Lane near Fourth Street

Souderton, PennsylvaniaApr 19, 20041 Comments

Once you go over the Cowpath Road and Cherry Lane intersection and go past the series of S-curves, there is a cop that turns his lights out and sits next to the Church and you don’t see him till the last second. The speed limit is 25 and they’ll get you for it so watch your speed after the 2nd S-curve.

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