Sterling, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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State Route RT 196 near State Route RT 191

Sterling, PennsylvaniaMay 27, 20080 Comments

Just after the split onto Rt196, they sit on the dirt road on the right side and hit people after they come out from under the bridge (The I-84 Crossover) and anyone coming down the hill from the 191 side as well. They can’t be seen coming from the 191 side and if you’re coming from Sterling you won’t see them until you come under the bridge and by that time, they have you. It’s a big hill but don’t coast down it or you’ll get a $190 speeding ticket like I did.

underpass off 196 on rt84 going east by mile marker 17

Sterling, PennsylvaniaJul 01, 20010 Comments

officer on over pass radaring other officers further down the road waiting to ticket you

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