Stewartstown, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Barrens Rd North through business section of town
If you are driving through this area and have ANY tinting on your windows or tinted /smoked taillights or headlights they will pull you over just as a money maker. They will claim you made an illegal turn, sped through the area etc. . . They then give you a $25 ticket for this infraction. Well you say thats not bad well when they add all the fees and extras on there that $25 ticket costed your wallet $109.50. This is no joke and the young judge that hears the cases for the town of course sides with Officer "H". This is another reason not to go through this town in PA. They also hang close to the Drivers License renewal and photo center so they can pull you over just before you park to give you driving on an expired license ticket. Not a speed trap, just a TRAP!
E. Pa. Ave. & Heather Drive
This is a favorite place for the cops to sit. They monitor the intersection watching for people to stop. Beware: You must come to a COMPLETE stop and wait 3 seconds or they are going to nail you. They will chase you down Hollow Road which is in Hopewell Twp. which they are legally allowed to do.
Rt. 851 coming in to town from both directions
Rt. 851 (College Avenue) when driving towards S. Main St. (before J.J. Hartenstein F.H.). The police sit with VASCAR at the community ballfields/carnival grounds.
Rt. 851 (Bridgeview Road) as soon as you enter the town. They are just before the railroad tracks.
Speed limit is 25 mph and you better be doing it!
Mill Street, Main Street
There are two unmarked Dodge Chargers the Stewartstown PD uses. One is white and the other is gray. They use VASCAR, which is inaccurate, to measure speed. They like to sit anywhere on Main Street or Mill Street. It is 25mph so I recommend doing 10mph because they will pull you over if you’re doing the limit.
Crossroads Road near 5 Corners
Local speed trap. The speed drops 10 mph in a short distance. *Use extreme caution when approaching 5 Corners.* Major moneymaker for the Stewartstown Police Department.