Sykesville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Before and after the town of Sykesville, PA.

Sykesville, PennsylvaniaAug 20, 20130 Comments

They set up at the car wash on route 119 north just before the town and also at the other end of town at the Rhododendron Club. Be careful they can also be seen anywhere in town!

main Street near Duda’s Car lot

Sykesville, PennsylvaniaMay 23, 20041 Comments

Sykesville Police will sit next to Duds’a and tag everyone going through this town. before and after sykesville the speed is 45, dut in sykesville it is 25. the roads are wide and smooth, fairly straight, and only one traffic light. I have been pulled over for 28 in a 25, issued a ticket, and the case was dismissed because the officer never showed up.

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