Tionesta, Pennsylvania Speed Traps

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Elm St. (Main St.) Rt 36/62 in Tionesta Boro

Tionesta, PennsylvaniaApr 10, 20103 Comments

They have one of those portable devices. The speed limit is 25 through most of town although it is strangely not posted on the bridge leaving town on Hwy. 36 North or entering on U.S. Hwy. 62 North. The county seat is in this town so State and County police are everywhere. The Sheriff, who is at war with humanity, has purchased ATVs , SUVs, cameras, guns, boats, cars and laptop PCs to use against the citizens and visitors of this county. They will also stop you if you have an out of state plate. They shut down Nebraska bridge this year; 2010 so you will be forced to travel through town. It would be best to avoid Tionesta, if at all possible, if not please be watchful.

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