Titusville, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Route 27 East of Titusville
Cops like to hide in the back of Burgess Park parking lot and put up their ENRADD sensors near the entrance. They mainly like to get cars heading out of town. There will be 2 chase cars in radio contact with the monitoring car constantly pulling people over. I like to cruise back and forth, backing up traffic to stall their revenue-generating efforts. You would think they would be trying to protect their city by stopping speeders coming in, but the opposite is the case. Watch out, summer is coming and they love to be out on nice days!
1,000′ N of the Routes 8 & 417 intersection in Cherrytree,PA
Pennsylvania state police montior speed from a location approximately 1,000′ north of the State Route 8 / Route 417 intersection in Cherrytree, PA., which is 8 miles south of Titusville, PA. They locate themselves in a self-storage unit on the west side of the road, which is located on a curve at the bottom of a 1 mile long hill. Speed limit drops to 35 MPH at that location.
State Route 8 near Franklin Street
Police hide at the base of a long hill coming into town where the speed changes from 55 to 35. They will also sit one block north of McDonalds where the speed is 25MPH. Very aggressive speed patrols as this dying city is always in need of cash. District Magistrate is very police friendly. Safety is not a concern, cash is.
State Hwy 8 at the last 100 feet of the south edge of town.
The trap is at a point where a 2 mile downhill stretch of SR 8 enters the city from the south. Cars can travel 55 to within 200 yards of the city limits then it drops to 45 then it drops to 35 at the city limits. The trap is about 100 feet from this point on a side street on the west side of the highway. They also catch people starting uphill trying to get momentum before climbing the 2 mile uphill stretch.
A note on the police action in this city, when they were having budget cuts the police chief stated that they did not need to reduce their force since they were a "revenue producing" branch of the city govt. I recently was ticketed for 55 in a 35 zone going south trying to get up the hill, I believe I was doing 45. It cost me $134 and 3 points on my license.
Entire City
The cops sit in all nooks and crannys. Be especially careful when entering on Rte 8 from the North or the South. The cops are not leniant. They are out to make money so keep both hands on the wheel while someone else watches your wallet. Good Luck!