Towanda, Pennsylvania Speed Traps
Route 220 (Towanda Bypass)
Trooper sits in wide area under the rock cut on downhill curve about a mile north of junction with South Main Street (particularly good for catching south bound cars).
Also will sit on other side of road where an access road has been cut into a high bank off the shoulder. This one is nearly invisible from both directions.
Merrill Parkway, 2 locations.
First, in the A.C. Smiths Auto Parts parking lot, just past the cemetery. And second in the Frontier (phone company) parking lot. Catching traffic going north or south. Speed Limit 25 mph.
York Avenue near PennDot Building
State and Local Police park in PennDot building driveway and wait to catch speeders. Coming from North Towanda, you can’t see them until you’re right across from police; coming from Towanda, you can’t see them until you’re almost past the Independent Baptist Church and it’s to late. 25 is the posted speed but coming from North Towanda, there’s a hill that you coast down at least 35+_ mph without foot being on gas pedal so how’s that fair?
State Route 220 near Patterson Boulevard
Set on the going North exit ramp to Patterson Boulevard and watch both directions with radar. Also watch the two stop signs,getting off from the north,and a real money maker,on the entrance going north.
US Rt-6 eastbound entering town
Rt-6 eastbound entering Towanda is a steep grade that is 40 mph until well down the hill when it changes to 25. Cop will be on hidden at the very bottom of the hill, on the right hand side, near the scrap yard with radar.